Disaster Management

Disaster Management Working Group Meeting


This is monthly meeting of Disaster Management Working Group. The detail agenda will be as below:

Rapid Assessment Presentations at the debriefing meeting 12 October 2010


These are presentations of Joint Assessment Team. The Disaster Management Working Group has conducted a rapid assessment in two province Quang Binh and Ha Tinh regarding to the Floods in Central provinces of Vietnam recently. which has presented at Debriefing Meeting on 12 October co-organized by VUFO/PACCOM, UNPCG and Disaster Management Working Group.

The Presentation could be reviewed and downloaded below:


Ha Tinh Rapid Assessment Presentation

Quang Binh Rapid Assessment Presentation

The fourth Situation Report developed by UN PCG regarding the floods in Central Vietnam


The third Situation Report developed by UN PCG  regarding the floods in Central Vietnam can be read HERE

CCFSC damage table of 07/10/2010 can be read HERE

World Vision Vietnam one year report on Ketsana Response

World Vision Vietnam 's One Year Report on Ketsana Response can be reviewed and downloaded here

Disaster Management Working Group meeting

This is regular meeting of Disaster Management Working Group. The detailed agenda will be as below:

- Approve last minute meeting and agenda
- Triggers for decision of JA (present all comments and next steps)
- Finalization of DMWG Contingency plan
- International DRR Day
- Coordination/sharing between DMWG and CCWG

- General sharing from members

Further information, please contact two Co-Chair:

Nguyen Trong Ninh, 0913349409, [email protected],    from Plan International
Dao Ngoc Ninh, 0915343701, [email protected],  from ActionAid Vietnam


Workshop on Emergency Warning Broadcasting system implementation 3 - 4 September

The Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU) with support from UN-ESCAP is organising a Roadshow to spread awareness on Emergency Warning Broadcasting Systems (EWBS) which provides warnings to the public about impending natural disasters.

The workshop will take place on the 3 – 4 September at 9am, in Sunway Hotel, 19 Pham Dinh Ho, Hanoi. Please provide the details of your nominees in the registration form ASAP
Require further information, please contact via email at: [email protected] or [email protected]


Please find the detailed document of

- invitation of workshop,

Workshop on Emergency Warning Broadcasting system implementation 3 - 4 September

Workshop on Emergency Warning Broadcasting system implementation 3 - 4 September

Please find detailed of

- invitation of workshop,

- workshop program

- Registration form


ARC Cash Transfers Program Final Evaluation Report


ARC Cash Transfers Program Final Evaluation Report can be reviewed here

Presentation of Plan at DMWG meeting in August 2010

The presentation of Plan at DMWG meeting in August can be reviewed and downloaded here

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