Disaster Management

Disaster Management Working group

This is regular meeting of Disaster Management Working Group.

Disaster Management Working Group Meeting


This is regular meeting of Disaster Management Working Group. The key topic will be:

- DMWG TOR updates
- Review and approval of the work plan for 2011
- Presentation/sharing on emergency kits (Hygiene kit, food and non food item kit/ household kit, school kit, nutrition kit…)   
SC, Plan, Oxfam,  CARE, UNICEF…
- Updates from Organizations on Disaster Management activities

Disaster Management Working Group Meeting


This is regular meeting of Disaster Management Working Group. The key topics will be discussed are below:

    * Advise the taskforce for the development of a joint advocacy strategy for the DMWG and CCWG on the main thematic advocacy areas of your organization
    * Decision on next chair of DMWG
    * Sharing on emergency relief package that was implemented by agencies in the previous year


Further information, please contact Co-chairs:

Disaster Management Working Group's Pandemic Contigency Plan


The Diaster Management Working Group's Pandemic Contigency Plan can be reviewed and downloaded HERE

Disaster Management Working Group Meeting

This is monthly meeting of Disaster Management Working Group. The detail agenda are as below:

Floods Central Vietnam Situation reports October 2010


The Reports were compiled by United Nation Preparedness Coordination Group and can be reviewed and downloaded by following link:

The Floods Central Vietnam Repoort 17 October

The Floods Central Vietnam Report 15 October

The Floods Central Vietnam Report 12 October

PACCOM Appeal for emergency relief for flood-hit areas in Central Vietnam


The People's Aid Coordinating Committee (PACCOM) Appeal for emergency relief for flood-hit areas in Central Vietnam can be read HERE

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