Disaster Management

Disaster Management Working Group Meeting


This is the first meeting of Disaster Management Working Group in 2012. The detail agenda will be as below:

- 2PM to 3 PM: DMWG members updates of projects in Disaster response and DRR in 2012
- 3h00 – 4h00: DMWG joint annual planning in 2012: monthly meetings, Joint assessment team, response evaluation, sphere promotion
- 4h00 to 4h30: DMWG group contribution to CBA6:DMWG chair was requested to be a member of CBA6 secretariat in April. DMWG chair role hand over in April 2012.
- Other: date for the Next meeting in February

Disaster Management Working Group Meeting


This is regular meeting of Disaster Management Working Group. The meeting will focuses on  updating the Mekong flood and ongoing response by DMWG members
,Sphere translation and follow-up planning by Viet Oxfam and Miguel UNDP

Further information, please contact the group chairman Dang Van Tao

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
15 Thien Quang Street Hanoi Vietnam
Tel. +844 39 422 980 Mob. +84 913 361 581 | Fax +844 39 422 987 
Email [email protected]



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