Disaster Management

ASEAN - standard operating procedure for regional standby Arrangements & coordination of joint disaster relief & emergency response operation (SASOP)


This is valuable ASEAN SASOP (in both Vietnamese and English languages) for your information and consideration. Since this has been the first time GoV. requested for assistance from ASEAN Member States, it would be good for different actors to learn later on how this SASOP has been applied in the practice, possible lessons for updating sectoral Key Immediate Needs (KIN).


Disaster Management Working Group monthly meeting in July (DELAYED)

This is monthly meeting of Disaster Management Working Group. The agenda will be shared soon.

Date: 28 July, 2017

Time: 14 - 16 PM

Location: NGO Resource Centre, Room 201, E3 Building, Trung Tu Diplomatic Compound, N0 6 Dang Van Ngu, Hanoi.



Disaster Management Working Group meeting in May, 2017


This is monthly meeting of Disaster Management Working Group. The details agenda will be as below:

  • Introduction of participants - quick update about agencies's operations, projects (if any)
  • Sharing latest development and proposed coordination/cooperation opportunities between UN Agencies and (I)NGOs - UNDP
  • Adaptation of ICS/EMS in emergency response by WVV
  • Short introduction on traslator Gator update - UNDP
  • Follow up for printing CHS documents
  • DMWG POA of 2017
  • AOB

Further information, please contact Group Chairman Le Van Duong - WVV at [email protected]

Disaster Manangement Working Group Monthly Meeting


This is monthly meeting of Disaster Management Working Group. The meeting details are as below:

Date: Friday, 28 April, 2017
Time: 14 - 16 PM
Venue: NGO Resource Centre Office, room 201 E3 Building, Trung Tu Diplomatic Compound, No 6 Dang Van Ngu, Hanoi

The meeting will focus on following key themes:

1. Scenario - based disaster contingency planning by Ms. Yen - Habitat
2. Capacity Building Needs in DM by MDF Asia
3. Update on translation of CHS documents
4. AOB


Further information, Please contact Group Chairman Mr. Le Van Duong at [email protected]


Disaster Managment Working Group meeting in March, 2017


This is monthly meeting of Disaster Management Working Group.

Date: 24 March, 2017
Time: 14 - 16.00 PM
Venue: NGO Resource Centre Office, Room 201, Building E3, Trung Tu Diplomatic Compound, number 6 Dang Van Ngu, Hanoi

The key points for the meeting are as below:

- Follow up the action points from the last meeting
- Discussion on DMWG's Workplan for  2017 and JAT issue
- Sharing on package for communication on DRR-RCC for ethnic minorities (presented by French Red Cross)
- Development of scenario-based Contingency Plan (by Habitat)
- Progress review of translation of CHS –next steps

Further information, please contact Group Chairman  Mr. Le Van Duong at [email protected]


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