[Ngo-mfwg] New film and policy brief from CARE International in Vietnam: considering gender in climate change policy and programming

Cotrel-Gibbons, Louise Louise.Cotrel-Gibbons at careint.org
Mon Jan 25 18:12:33 ICT 2016

Dear all,

Wishing you all a very happy 2016 and (almost) Year of the Monkey! Hope you are all keeping warm during this cold period!

I'm just sending you all some 'gifts' from CARE International in Vietnam before the break...please forward, share, discuss and debate! Feedback would be much appreciated by Nguyen Thi Yen (NguyenThi.Yen at careint.org<mailto:NguyenThi.Yen at careint.org>) and Miguel Coulier (Miguel.Coulier at gmail.com<mailto:Miguel.Coulier at gmail.com>). Apologies for any cross-posting!

Beyond Words: Advancing Gender Equality in Climate Change Policy and Programming in Vietnam<http://careclimatechange.org/publications/beyond-words/> (available in Vietnamese and English)
Climate change is not gender-neutral nor gender-blind; the various ways it impacts people's lives and livelihoods and the responses to these impacts are greatly influenced by gender norms. Gender is increasingly recognised as a decisive factor in planning and implementing climate change and disaster risk reduction interventions. In 2012, the UN and Oxfam published a policy brief which assessed the progress of gender equality in climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction in Vietnam. Beyond Words - Advancing Gender Equality in Climate Change Policy and Programming in Vietnam offers an update on this document, assessing progress in recent years and renewing recommendations. Whilst primarily targeted at Vietnamese policy-makers at national and local level, it provides a comprehensive case study of gender integration within climate change policy which has international relevance.

Beyond Words - Advancing Gender Equality in Climate Change Policy and Programming in Vietnam is authored by Miguel Coulier, on request of CARE International in Vietnam. It is one of the joint products of the organisations supported under the Community Based Climate Change Action Grants, funded by the Australian Government.

'Leading by Example: Women taking action for climate change and disaster risk reduction in Vietnam': Film available in Vietnamese<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4eYnMIlz5wk> and with English subtitles<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxhkeqLcH0g>
'Leading by Example: Women taking action for climate change and disaster risk reduction in Vietnam' highlights the potential for women's leadership within efforts to tackle climate change in Vietnam, by taking snapshots from several projects supported under the Community Based Climate Change Action Grants, funded by the Government of Australia. It calls on central, provincial and local governments to take action to promote women's leadership within climate change and disaster risk reduction policy and programming. The film was jointly produced by CARE, SNV, EDF, The Red Cross, Oxfam, Plan International and Save the Children, and funded by the Government of Australia.

Please note that whilst the production of both the policy brief and film was supported by the Australian Government, the statements and recommendations included within are the participating organisations' own.

Also, please remember that your practical efforts to integrate gender into climate change and disaster risk reduction projects can be supported by Making It Count,<http://careclimatechange.org/tool-kits/making-it-count-integrating-gender/> a practical guide containing key questions, participatory tools and links to resources, produced by CARE International in Vietnam, UN Women and GIZ. This interactive document is available in English and Vietnamese.



Louise Cotrel-Gibbons (Ms. Louise)  |  CARE International in Vietnam |  Communications Consultant
92 To Ngoc Van Road, Tay Ho District, Hanoi, Vietnam  | P.O. Box 20, Hanoi  |   http://www.care.org.au/vietnam
Tel: (+84) 4 3716 1930 ext.305  |  Fax: (+84) 4 3716 1935  |  Mobile: (+84) 1228 417 167
Email: Louise.Cotrel-Gibbons at careint.org<mailto:Louise.Cotrel-Gibbons at careint.org>  |  Skype: louisecotrel-gibbons  |  Learn more on our Facebook<http://www.facebook.com/CAREinVietnam> page and YouTube<https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-F61NnGc5TyIUFr7ltKhsQ> channel!
CARE seeks a world of hope, tolerance and social justice, where poverty has been overcome, and people live in dignity and security.
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