[Ngo-admin] RFP for six (6) Thematic Quantitative Policy Researches on Governance and Public Administration in Viet Nam

Nguyen Thi Hoang Yen nguyen.thi.hoang.yen at undp.org
Tue Oct 16 16:02:39 ICT 2012

RFP for six (6) Thematic Quantitative Policy Researches on Governance and Public Administration in Viet Nam

Dear Sir/Madam,

UNDP Viet Nam is currently supporting and providing advice to the Government of Viet Nam on ways to implement its Public Administration Reform (PAR) programme. Part of this support includes the development of monitoring tools to capture and measure the views and experiences of citizens as users of public administrative services. UNDP has also helped to develop the Viet Nam Provincial Governance and Public Administration Performance Index (PAPI).

PAPI is the largest and first-ever survey of its kind in Viet Nam. It measures the standards of governance and public administration based on citizens' experience of interacting with government authorities and provides a bottom-up perspective.

PAPI has been implemented across all 63 provinces in Viet Nam and captures more than 13,000 individual citizens' experiences, in a groundbreaking effort to support a more evidence-based policy making process.

UNDP is now looking for qualified Vietnamese universities, research centres and think tanks to research different issues of governance and public administration performance using the wealth of data and information provided by PAPI.

The research could cover one of six topics: urban and rural governance; urban and rural service delivery and administrative procedures; governance for administrative procedures and service delivery; governance and human development; addressing urban governance; and/or an open topic of related research.

The selection will be based on a competitive basis and will comply with UNDP procurement regulations.

Proposals to be sent to:

UNDP Viet Nam
72 Ly Thuong Kiet, Ha Noi, Viet Nam
Attention: Procurement Unit
Tel. (84-4) 3 9421495
Fax: (84-4) 3 9422267
Email: procurement.vn at undp.org<mailto:procurement.vn at undp.org>

Submission deadline: 17.00 hrs., 25 October 2012 (Hanoi time)

Best regards,

Procurement Unit
UNDP Viet Nam
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