[Ngo-admin] Consultancy service annoucement - CBDRM project

Nguyen Thuy Nga Nguyen.Thuy.Nga at undpaffiliates.org
Mon Mar 22 11:41:17 ICT 2010

Message from UNDP Vietnam Procurement Unit

Dear colleagues and friends,

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Viet Nam seeks a qualified international consultant to develop a UNDP/Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) Project Document for community based disaster risk management in Viet Nam

In July 2009, the Prime Minister approved the Project: "Community awareness raising and community-based disaster risk management (CBDRM)". The ambitious, USD53.5m[1] project will be implemented over a twelve year period in about 6,000 communes and villages frequently affected by disasters.. Starting in 2009 the CBDRM Project has two main components:

§  Component 1: strengthening capacity for managing and implementing CBDRM for local officers at all levels and to carry out CBDRM activities;

§  Component 2: improving the capacity of communities in CBDRM.

In order to implement effectively the CBDRM Project, particularly in the context of potential disasters and to meet the rising challenges of climate change, significant improvement of the current capacity of the Government at national, provincial and local levels is necessary. With a large group of non-government stakeholders involved in CBDRM activity throughout the country coordination, partnership and quality control is necessitated.

In January 2010, UNDP was requested by the Department of Dyke Management, Flood and Storm Control and the Disaster Management Centre of MARD to develop a Project Document that would detail a three year project supported by UNDP. The UNDP and MARD are to work together to formulate this Project Document. The project will be funded by UNDP. This assignment is aimed at preparing a full-size Project Document in line with approved UNDP templates.

The Project Document would be aimed at strengthening the institutional capacity of MARD and partner organizations to help ensure the successful implementation of the CBDRM Project and will have a multi-hazard approach, including climate related hazards.

Full solicitation documents can be obtained by visiting UNDP website at:



Interested candidates are requested to submit updated CV and financial offer to:

Le Tuyet Sinh (Ms)
Procurement Unit, UNDP Viet Nam
Email: le.tuyet.sinh at undp.org

Submission deadline: 17.00 (Hanoi time) 31 March 2010.


[1] Of which, 55% is expected from the State Fund, 5%from residents and 40% - in the form of grants - from other Governments and international organizations
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