[Ngo-admin] Allowances for PMU members

Tien, Nguyen Xuan (MAG VN HRAM) tien.nx at magvietnam.org
Tue Mar 16 17:26:13 ICT 2010

Chao ca nha,


Xin gui ca nha allowance cho cac doi tac, day khong phai la good practice
nhung de dam bao co su ho tro tot hon tu BQL du an va tang hieu qua/tien do
cua du an thi hien tai van dang ap dung nhu sau: 



Monthly compensation

Monthly phone allowance

Monthly Fuel allowance



USD 450





USD 400

VND 300,000




Usd 170

VND 300,000

2 Litters/working day



Usd 165

VND 300,000

1 Litters/working day


Main explosive storeman

Usd 140




District store guard

Usd 100





PPC: Provincial People Committee

PC: Project Coordinator

PMO: Provincial Military Officer

DMO: District Military Officer



Best regards,


Tien, Nguyen Xuan (Mr.)

HR & Administration Manager

Logo (no skull) with strapline_resized


MAG Vietnam

202/B1, Van Phuc Diplomatic Compound

298 Kim Ma, Hanoi, Vietnam

T/F: + 84 4 3 726 23 25

M:  +84 9 04 060855

Skype: ngxtien

Email #1:  <mailto:Tien.NX at magvietnam.org> Tien.NX at magvietnam.org

Email #2:  <mailto:ngxtien at fpt.vn> ngxtien at fpt.vn

 <http://www.maginternational.org/> www.maginternational.org


MAG is a company limited by guarantee and registered in England.

Company Registration No. 4016409. Charity Registration No. 1083008.

Registered Office: 68 Sackville Street, Manchester, United Kingdom M1 3NJ


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-----Original Message-----
From: ngo-admin-bounces at ngocentre.org.vn
[mailto:ngo-admin-bounces at ngocentre.org.vn] On Behalf Of Mai Thi Quynh Giao
Sent: Tuesday, 16 March, 2010 3:38 PM
To: 'Admin Working Group'
Subject: [Ngo-admin] Allowances for PMU members


Dear all,


Moi nguoi oi, cho minh hoi mot viec voi, co NGO nao pay any allowances to

their PMU members (Project Management Unit - Ban Quan Ly Du An tai dia

phuong) khong a?


Please reply YES or NO cung duoc a; 


....... Ma neu co duoc thong tin gi chi tiet hon thi cang tot a.


Thank you very much.


Mai Thi Quynh Giao

Finance & Administration Manager

CWS Vietnam

Block L, La Thanh Hotel,

218 Doi Can, Hanoi

Tel. 84-4-3-8328569

Fax 84-4-3-8328629

Email: giao at cws.org.vn










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