[Ngo-admin] Seeking for your support

Tien, Nguyen Xuan (MAG VN HRAM) tien.nx at magvietnam.org
Thu Apr 22 07:18:39 BST 2010

Chao ca nha,


Ben em dang muon lam thu tuc thay doi ten nguoi dai dien trong giay phep hoat dong cua VP dai dien (hien dang con hieu luc) nhung chua biet co phai dung mau bieu nao dac biet khong, vay rat mong cac ACE chia se kinh nghiem va cac mau bieu (neu co) ve cong viec nay a.


Rat cam on ca nha va Chuc ca nha nghi ngay Gio To Hung Vuong va nghi cuoi tuan vui ve :-).



Best regards,


Tien, Nguyen Xuan (Mr.)

HR & Administration Manager

Logo (no skull) with strapline_resized


MAG Vietnam

202/B1, Van Phuc Diplomatic Compound

298 Kim Ma, Hanoi, Vietnam

T/F: + 84 4 3 726 23 25

M:  +84 9 04 060855

Skype: ngxtien

Email #1: Tien.NX at magvietnam.org

Email #2:  <mailto:ngxtien at fpt.vn> ngxtien at fpt.vn

 <http://www.maginternational.org/> www.maginternational.org


MAG is a company limited by guarantee and registered in England.

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