[Ngo-admin] Admin Group Meeting Q.1/2010

Mai Thi Quynh Giao giao at cws.org.vn
Wed Apr 7 08:54:00 BST 2010

Moi nguoi oi,


Nhom Admin-HR-Finance group co nen hop vao thang 4 nay khong nhi? Minh thay
co may cai hot topics day:

-          Work Permit for Foreigners in VN

-          Quyet toan thue TNCN 2009, phan mem moi; Phan mem Dang ky Ma so
thue; .

-          Hoat dong cong doan cua NGOs voi DIPSERCO

-          Gia han Giay phep va MOU; co ask PACCOM bo sung muc mien thue cho
nguoi NN ko?    


Any other topics?


Moi nguoi thay co nen hop khong? Hay la chi can thao luan qua email thoi? Co
the hop vao ngay 22/4 hay 29/4?



Mai Thi Quynh Giao
Finance & Administration Manager
CWS Vietnam
Block L, La Thanh Hotel,
218 Doi Can, Hanoi
Tel. 84-4-3-8328569
Fax 84-4-3-8328629
Email: giao at cws.org.vn



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