[Ngo-admin] (no subject)

Duc Thanh, Pham (ICRAF) p.ducthanh at cgiar.org
Tue Apr 20 03:49:31 BST 2010

Dear 2 Ha,


Please help me to post this announcement  on NGO networks, please. Also
kindly help me to circulate it around to person who may be interested in
this post. I sent it yesterday, but it seemed not arrive your email accounts


Thanks and best regards,



Pham Duc Thanh

Finance Officer

World Agroforestry Centre 



ICRAF Vietnam Office
R302, 17T5 Building Trung Hoa - Nhan Chinh
Thanh Xuan Dist., Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel/Fax:      (84) 4 6251 0830
Cell Phone: (84) 912 028 708
Email:  <mailto:p.ducthanh at cgiar.org> p.ducthanh at cgiar.org or
 <mailto:phamducthanhvn at yahoo.com.au> phamducthanhvn at yahoo.com.au 

P  Please consider the environment before printing this email! 


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