International Conference - Connection Between the Implementation of the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals in Vietnam
Start Date:
Wed, 2018-05-23 08:00
End Date:
Wed, 2018-05-23 15:30
Ha Noi Club, 76 Yen Phu street, Hanoi, Vietnam
The Climate Change Working Group (CCWG) with support from Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Vietnam organises this workshop with the following objectives:
- to share information from the government's side about the status of the implementation of SDGs and NDCs
- to present how the Paris Agreement and the SDGs are connected and to promote the integrative implementation of these two agendas and
- to explore opportunities for NGOs to support and meaningfully complement the government in implementing the SDGs and NDCs in Vietnam
Participants: ministries, embassies, donors, NGOs, scientists, media, public audience
Important agenda points and presentations:
- Mr Adis Szebo, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI): Global perspective of connections between SDGs and NDCs
- Sustainable Development Office, MPI: Update on SDG implementation in Vietnam
- Department for Climate Change, MONRE: NDC revision in Vietnam with SDG
- Ms. Nguyen Thi Yen, CARE International in Vietnam: Actionable Agro-climate Information Services. Better adaption and higher agriculture productivity for EM farmers
- Center for Creativity and Sustainability Study and Consultancy (CCS): Climate change response connected to SDG: Best practice from CCS
- Centre for Sustainable Rural Development (SRD): Climate change response connected to SDG: Best practice from SRD
- SNV: Climate change response connected to SDG: Best practice from SNV
- Dr. Nguyen Quynh, German Development Institute (DIE): Presentation of the draft briefing paper on the connection between the Paris Agreement and the SDGs in the Vietnamese context
Kindly confirm your participation to Ms. Luong Ngoc Quang, Program Administrative Officer at [email protected] or +84 243 945 ext 402, mobile +84 916 147 206 no later than 17th May 2018 for effective logistical arrangements.