Child Rights

Child Rights Working Group regular meeting in September, 2024


This is regular meeting of Child Rights Working Group in September, 2024. The details are as below:

Date: 12th September, 2024

Time: 9.00 - 11.30 AM

Meeting via Zoom Link :

Meeting ID: 86857715076

Pass: 842407

Agenda of the meeting:

Child Right Working Group regular meeting in July, 2024

This is regular meeting of Child Rights Working Group. The detais are as following:

Date: 9 July, 2024

Time: 14 - 16.30

Venue: Trung Tu Diplomatic Compound, room 201, Building E3

6 Dang Van Ngu, Dong Da, Hanoi, Vietnam


The meeting agenda:

- Review the last meeting minutes and follow up actions

- Update member's activities on Child Rights
- Discussion on join/related activities 


Child Rights Working Group meeting in April, 2024


This is regular meeting of Child Rights Working Group. The details are as below:

Date: 26 April, 2024

Time: 08.30 - 11.30 AM

Venue: VUFO - NGO Resource Centre, Room 201 E3, Trung Tu Diplomatic Compound, N0 6 Dang Van Ngu, Dong Da, Hanoi

The Agenda will be shared soon

Child Rights Working Group meeting in January, 2024


This is the first regular meeting of Child Right Working Group in January 2024. The details are as below:

Date: 17th January, 2024

Time: 9- 11.30 AM

Venue: VACR Office, 5th floor Hanoi Tri Thuc Palace, N0 1 Ton That Thuyet, Cau Giay Hanoi.


- Review the group's activities in 2023

- VACR's sharing on key objective of Strategy of VACR development, set up schedule with Group's members and invite Group's member to share technical issue by Quarterly for VACR

- HealthBridge' presentation on The harm of sweet drinks, the rhetoric of the industry

- Discussion on Work Plan of Group's activity in 2024


Child Rights Working Group meeting in June, 2023


This is a regular meeting of Child Rights Working Group. The details are as below:

Date: 21 June, 2023

Time: 13.30 - 17.00 PM

Venue: ChildFund Office, 5th Floor Vinafor Building, 127 Lo Duc

The agenda of the meeting:

- Update from Working Group memberes

- Update on follow up action on UNCRC’s recommendations

Further information, please contact currently Co-chairs of the working group: Healthbridge and Vietnam Association for Protection of Children's Rights (VAPCR).

Mrs. Nguyen Thi An Healthbridge email: [email protected]


Mrs. Nguyen Thu Ha

Child Rights Working Group meeting


This is Child Rights Working Group meeting in March 2023. The detail are as bellow:

Date: 7 March, 2023

Time: 9-12 AM

Venue: NGO Resource Centre Office, Room 201 Building E3, Trung Tu Diplomatic Compound, N0 6 Dang Van Ngu, Dong Da, Ha Noi

Agenda of meeting:

  • Review CRC's Recommendations
  • Review Group's members action and discuss/brainstorming the Workplan of CRWG from 2023 -2027 in order to implement the UNCRC's Recommendations
  • Propose activities which Government should do from 2023-2027

Further information, please contact the Group Co-chairs: ChildFund Vietnam and Vietnam Association for Protection of Children's Rights (VAPCR).

Childrights Working Group regular meeting in February, 2023


This is regular meeting of Childrights Working Group in February, 2023. The details are as below:

Date: Friday, February 24, 2023

Time: 9 -11.30 AM

Venue: NGO Resource Centre, room 201 Building E3, Trung Tu Diplomatic Compound, N0 6 Dang Van Ngu, Dong Da HN

Online link:

Meeting ID: 854 9067 9802

Passcode: 910742

Key points of Meeting agenda :

Child Rights Working Group meeting in January 2023

This is the first meeting of Child Rights Working Group in 2023. The details are á below: 

Date: 10th January, 2023

Time: 1.30 PM

Venue: T?ng 2, Indochina Plaza, 241 Xuân Th?y, D?ch V?ng H?u, C?u Gi?y, Hà N?i


The meeting will be held both Online & Offline format

The link for meeting :


Agenda for meeting: 


1. Welcome participants

Child Rights Working Group regular meeting in October, 2022


This is regular meeting of Child Rights Working Group. The details are as below:


Date: 14 October, 2022

Time: 9 - 11.30 AM

Venue: Room 201 Building E3, Trung Tu Diplomatic Compound, N0. 6 Dang Van Ngu, Dong Da, Hanoi

The meeting agenda 

Further information, please contact the Group Co-chair Mr. Le Ngoc Bao - ChildFunds at [email protected]

Mrs. Nguyen thu Ha - VACR at [email protected]


Consultative meeting on Complimentary Report (CRC) 4th July, 2022


Following the CRWG's Workplan 2022, the CRWG will develop the Complimentary Report on Children Rights implementation and submit to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child in August 2022.


As the Co-Chair of the CRWG and according to the functions and duties specified in Clause 4, Article 92 of the Law on Children, the Vietnam Association for the Protection of Children's Rights, with the support of Save the Children to organize the consultation meeting with organizations and experts on the content of the draft CRC report. The details are as below:


Date: Monday, 4th July, 2022
Time: from 8.30 - 5 PM

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